How to spend a trillion dollars (h/t: The Big Picture. 624 × 434 - 21 k - gif globalglassonion.blogs... |  The United States faces daunting economic and budgetary challenges. 592 × 310 - 60 k - jpg zerohedge.com |  The value of all commercial real estate in the U.S. was approximately $6 ... 571 × 441 - 146 k - png nakedcapitalism.com |  The trillion dollars needed for the plan bring the jitters ... 480 × 360 - 18 k - jpg article.wn.com |
 Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac, which own about 15 percent of the $10 trillion ... 360 × 360 - 9 k - png immobilienblasen.blogs... |  Gross is highly influential and US Treasury secretaries call him for advice. 286 × 254 - 24 k - jpg whispersfromtheedgeoft... |  U.S. Jobless Claims. Strengths. On Friday, bonds rallied sharply on the weak ... 600 × 350 - 11 k - gif advisoranalyst.com |  Jeff Rubin maintains that the U.S. Federal Reserve is printing money to ... 738 × 312 - 72 k - jpg cliffkule.com |
 and the Trillion Dollar bailout? Only in America! Press Release 500 × 350 - 66 k - jpg craigwilliams.com |  Now we have a world that is awash in Treasury bonds (which are a claim on ... 450 × 481 - 119 k - png dbfitzpatrick.com |  Here is the $USB 30-year Treasury Bond chart. 640 × 400 - 19 k - png billcara.com |  Total Federal/State/Local spending has exceeded $7.0 trillion dollars. 474 × 361 - 52 k - jpg bemanaged.com |
 Ten-Year US Treasury Yields Trend Steadily Downward 447 × 277 - 3 k advisoranalyst.com |  Are Hedge Funds Responsible For The Missing Half A Trillion In Treasury ... 1023 × 521 - 128 k - jpg zerohedge.com |  ... of the 10-year U.S. Treasury note fell 3 basis points to 3.94 percent. 555 × 394 - 27 k - png themessthatgreenspanma... |  The US will not miss a coupon payment on its $14.3tn debt next Wednesday. 460 × 288 - 19 k - jpg blogs.telegraph.co.uk |
 Bad debts, in other words, have already wiped out one trillion dollars worth ... 658 × 426 - 77 k - png scottgrannis.blogspot.com |  With $1.2 trillion (roundabouts) in worthless pieces of paper under China's ... 250 × 266 - 28 k - jpg jrdeputyaccountant.com |  As this chart shows, the bond market is getting more and more worried about ... 613 × 384 - 44 k - jpg scottgrannis.blogspot.com |  10-Year Treasury Rate: 5.8%. Actual: 2.1%. Error: 3.7 percentage points ... 923 × 638 - 69 k - png rebelcole.com |