lrb.co.ukJoachim Goëthal et le secret de l'acier (1912). 460 × 339 - 85k - jpg |  wsws.org... William Howard Taft for re-election in the 1912 presidential election. 125 × 156 - 6k - jpg |  haaretz.com“Betrachtung,” Kafka's first book, published in 1912. 640 × 370 - 36k - jpg |  huffingtonpost.comCheck out the flyer to my Election Night Watch Party on Tuesday Nov 6 in ... 600 × 419 - 78k - jpg |
 psmag.comFull ad for the Hupp-Yeats electric car (January 27, 1912 Literary Digest) 550 × 710 - 685k - jpeg |  conservapedia.com... a part of the Constitution as the Sixteenth Amendment, ... 550 × 382 - 52k - jpg |  blogs.loc.govPresidential Elections: Newspapers and Complex Text 300 × 285 - 44k - jpg |  senate.govBoth had been elected by the state legislature on March 26. 156 × 225 - 19k - jpg |
 gulagbound.comThe election of 1912 brought the Federal Reserve; the income tax authorized ... 170 × 259 - 15k - jpg |  pbs.orgPrimary elections were first held in a limited number of states in 1912, ... 204 × 157 - 24k - jpg |  examiner.comVideo: 1912 US Election Campaign Speech Audio - Woodrow Wilson 210 × 158 - 4k - jpg |  historylink.orgAnna Maley (1872-1918), Everett, ca. 1912. Courtesy Labor Journal 260 × 341 - 32k - jpg |
 independentindian.com... Bengal Legislative Council elected (in 1912) after the 1909 Morley-Minto ... 2852 × 1969 - 2137k - jpg |  mitpress.typepad.comWoodrow Wilson was elected in 1912 with 42 percent of the votes, ... 120 × 181 - 5k |  allgov.comMontana's century-old ban on corporate spending in elections has been ... 201 × 201 - 24k - jpeg |  camberwell-crime.blogs...ELECTION DAY USA 135 × 200 - 16k - jpg |
 spectator.co.ukSeductive colour: 'The Violinist', 1912, by Mark Gertler 400 × 559 - 53k - jpg |  eurospanbookstore.comThe Selection and Election of Presidents. Robert S. Hirschfield (editor) 261 × 400 - 19k - jpg |  journalofamericanhisto...The Presidential Elections, 1860–1912, by Ballard Campbell (pp. 200 × 153 - 18k - jpg |  tarlton.law.utexas.edu... Roosevelt campaign handkerchief 1912 this handkerchief features an image ... 2817 × 2594 - 5088k - jpg |