sportcentric.com... event for the 9th World Games, to be held in Cali (COL) in 2013, ... 450 × 300 - 43 k - gif |  grupomultisectorial.comEl Grupo Multisectorial Apoya los World Games Cali 2012: Somos la capital ... 680 × 1184 - 378 k - jpg |  trackcyclingnews.comCali World Cup - Mens Sprint 403 × 403 - 28 k - jpg |  flyclick.com.arSe realizó el Campeonato Internacional de Deportes Aéreos -Pre World Games ... 400 × 565 - 59 k - jpg |
 flyclick.com.arVideo resumen de producido por The World Games 2013. 480 × 360 - 13 k - jpg |  petanquelasbordes.com... uno de los deportes que van a participar en lo World Games Cali 2013, ... 180 × 368 - 19 k - jpg |  scribd.comthe World Games 2013. 2012 South American MEN'S & WOMEN'S POWERLIFTING and ... 255 × 300 - 25 k |  globalvisualpost.comLa alcaldía de Cali se prepara para los world games. - 51 Visitas 591 × 368 - 78 k - png |
 vargashoy.comLa criolla es la primera clasificada del país a los World Games Cali 2013 600 × 350 - 88 k - jpg |  www1.comfenalcovalle.c...Como antesala a los Juegos Mundiales Cali 2013 se jugará en la capital del ... 300 × 264 - 22 k - jpg |  diarioadn.coDeportes como el Fistball, hacen parte de los Juegos Mundiales 2013 679 × 340 - 105 k - jpg |  losquelonios.wordpress...La web oficial del evento aca World Masters Games 2013 donde podés ya ... 550 × 355 - 43 k - jpg |
 zulia.gob.veMailebis Oquendo clasificó a los World Games 2013 680 × 418 - 52 k - jpg |  grupomultisectorial.comUna estrategia de promoción de los Juegos Mundiales World Games 2013, ... 2592 × 1944 - 1326 k - jpg |  skyscrapercity.comSANTIAGO DE CALI | World Games | 2013 - Page 2 - SkyscraperCity 400 × 225 - 56 k - jpg |  skyscrapercity.comcali construira un estadio para los World Games 2013 386 × 289 - 22 k - jpg |
 pitlane.mxJuan José clasificó en automático a los World Games, que se realizarán el ... 450 × 300 - 130 k - jpg |  worldgames2013.com.coUpgrade your browser to experience the joy of the World Games 2013 Cali in ... 380 × 137 - 12 k - png |  zh-tw.facebook.comEl evento DEPORTIVO más grande de la historia de Cali, WORLD GAMES CALI 2013 ... 320 × 180 - 33 k - php |  internationalracquetba...IRF World Championships—Santo Domingo, R. D.—THE WORLD GAMES 2013 CALI ... 462 × 451 - 65 k - jpg |

 fixlibrary.blogspot.comde la Feria de Cali 52: newRus.com @ FIX University 640 × 425 - 69 k - jpg 137 × 91 - 4 k |  fixlibrary.blogspot.comA01 Summit @ FIX University in Cali Columbia 634 × 442 - 60 k - png 137 × 96 - 4 k |  inglesagil2.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: The Best of College Stations @ FIX ... 135 × 206 - 5 k - jpg |  inglesagil2.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: The Best of College Stations @ FIX ... 141 × 202 - 5 k - jpg |
 inglesagibackup.blogsp...Caliwood/FIX BACKUP 4 InglesAgil A&F(RecStay): XV FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE ... 500 × 333 - 40 k - jpg |  inglesagibackup.blogsp...Caliwood/FIX BACKUP 4 InglesAgil A&F(RecStay): III Festival Internacional de ... 871 × 299 - 100 k - jpg |  inglesagibackup.blogsp...Caliwood/FIX BACKUP 4 InglesAgil A&F(RecStay): III Festival Internacional de ... 871 × 299 - 79 k - jpg |  fixlibrary.blogspot.com“El Túnel de la Ciencia” as seen by FIX @ FIX University 132 × 99 - 3 k |
 fixlibrary.blogspot.comde la Feria de Cali 52: newRus.com @ FIX University 635 × 372 - 113 k - jpg 137 × 80 - 3 k |  inglesagil2.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus 630 × 510 - 64 k - jpg 137 × 111 - 3 k |  inglesagibackup.blogsp...Caliwood/FIX BACKUP 4 InglesAgil A&F(RecStay): XV FESTIVAL INTERNACIONAL DE ... 690 × 459 - 69 k - jpg |  inglesagil2.blogspot.comMore FIX on the NET @ FIX University Cultural Campus 720 × 540 - 39 k - jpg 140 × 105 - 3 k |
 inglesagil2.blogspot.comAgenda Cultural @ Cultural Campus: Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Thanks . 77 × 112 - 4 k |  inglesagil2.blogspot.comAgenda Cultural @ Cultural Campus: Agenda Cultural @ FIX University Thanks . 74 × 114 - 3 k |  fixlibrary.blogspot.comAgenda Cultural @ Cultural Campus: newRus.com @ FIX University 93 × 150 - 3 k |  inglesagil2.blogspot.comKnights in The Night @ FIX University Satellite Campus 119 × 121 - 5 k 88 × 89 - 3 k |
 inglesagil2.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: www.cali.com @ FIX University newsRus.com 148 × 125 - 4 k |  fixlibrary.blogspot.comPublicado por FIX en 08:03 Sin comentarios: 1600 × 1067 - 126 k - jpg |  inglesagil2.blogspot.comInglesagil RecStay FIXUniversity: www.cali.com @ FIX University newsRus.com 150 × 113 - 5 k |  fixlibrary.blogspot.comnewRus.com @ FIX University 466 × 700 - 52 k - jpg campuscultural.blogspo. 93 × 140 - 4 k |
The volunteer of The
World Games 2013 Cali, is the young, adult, elderly, or disabled person who is
not waiting for a monetary reward to support with his/her time, effort and
talent the implementation of the World Games 2013 Cali.
Being volunteer of The
World Games 2013 Cali will allow you, among other things
- Live an unforgettable experience being
part of the largest and most important multidisciplinary sports event held in
- Expand your friends and contacts
network locally and internationally.
- Practice other languages, in the case
you manage any additional to Spanish.
- Interact with people from over 100
- Access to a training
- Contribute to the development,
dynamics, and positioning of Cali, your city.
- Getting an invaluable experience of
social work and sports that strengthen your Curriculum
of The World Games 2013 Cali must:
Have time
to meet a training process that will last a maximum of 40 hours. Flexible
schedules will be provided to facilitate attendance.
in an interview process
in integration days and simulations before The Games.
The Games
volunteers will support the event from 25th July to 4th
August 2013 and during the pre-sport Games to be held in 2012 and