Vo 099: Voice Performance Class
Vo 101: Voice Class
These classes are arranged according to demand. Material studied will be adapted to the student's individual needs.
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 102: Voice Class
These classes are arranged according to demand. Material studied will be adapted to the student's individual needs.
Prerequisite: Vo 101.
Vo 103: Voice Class
These classes are arranged according to demand. Material studied will be adapted to the student's individual needs.
Prerequisite: Vo 102.
Vo 105: Voice Class
These classes are arranged according to demand. Material studied will be adapted to the student's individual needs.
Vo 291: Private Voice Instruction for the Non-Major
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 391: Private Instruction for the Voice Minor
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 400: Voice Pedagogy I
Materials, methods and procedures used in the teaching of the basic principles of vocal production as applied to the individual and to groups. Posture breathing, tone, diction and phrasing.
Vo 401: Voice Pedagogy II
A study of the procedures used in the teaching of the fundamentals of vocal production with an emphasis on supervised, clinical teaching experiences. Observation of voice classes and private lessons.
Vo 491: Private Instruction for the Voice Major/Principal
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 492: Private Instruction for the Voice Major/Principal
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 493: Private Instruction for the Voice Major/Principal
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 503: Drama in Singing I
A vocal drama workshop developing the singer's ability to communicate the dramatic content inherent in all vocal music. Use of overtly dramatic material, such as opera arias, ensembles and scenes; and including dramatization of appropriate secular and sacred solo literature.
Vo 504: Drama in Singing II
A continuation of the vocal drama workshop developing the singer's ability to communicate the dramatic content inherent in all vocal music. Use of overtly dramatic material, such as opera arias, ensembles and scenes; and including dramatization of appropriate secular and sacred solo literature.
Prerequisite: Vo 503.
Vo 506: Diction for Singers
The fundamentals of French, German, Italian and Church Latin diction and their application in the pronunciation of song texts from the standard vocal repertoire.
Vo 601: Advanced Methods of Vocal Technique
Various methods and teaching techniques analyzed, compared and evaluated. Presentation of advanced principles of vocal production, projection and interpretation. Supervised practice teaching.
Vo 690: Voice: Non-Performance Major
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 691: Voice
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 692: Voice
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 693: Voice
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
Vo 694: Voice
Prerequisites: Voice Audition.
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Department of Art & Art History Fernando Noveno University. All RightsReserved
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